Sunday, January 24, 2010

Top Tech Tip

On Thursday, Joe Hatch, one of Trinity's most knowledg-eable computer gurus, came to visit our class. He told us about index.dat files, which store the history of every website you've ever visited. If you've had your computer for a while, all this info piles up and slows down your computer. Additionally, index.dat files give hackers an easy place to look at all the sites you've visited, including online banking sites. Mr. Hatch advised the PC users out there to use CCleaner to delete this file, along with lots of other junk (Click here to visit the CCleaner website for a free download). For the Mac users, he recommended going to file, browser reset to speed the computer up. Since I own both a macbook and a Dell (PC, at home), I plan on using both of these tips. A big thank you to Mr. Hatch!

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